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Awards Sanction by DST

Under this scheme, all recognized schools in the country (whether run by Central Government or State Government or local body or NGOs), including private schools (aided or unaided), having classes 6th to 10th (whether all or some), are eligible to enroll in the scheme and submit nominations of eligible children to DST through their respective District/ State education authority on-line/ off-line. For more details about the scheme click here


About INSPIRE Programme

Status of Awards Sanctioned

1- Awards Sanctioned so far :

State wise awards sanctioned till date, click to view

) Year wise

Select Plan Year :    

) Cumulative

Category wise

) Year wise


) Cumulative

Class wise

) Year wise


) Cumulative

2- Funds release to State/UT/Others :

) Year wise

Select Plan Year :    

) Cumulative

3- Statewise List of Sanctions and Selected Students :

State wise list of Sanctions and Selected Students

State wise list of Sanctions and Selected Students:

State wise list of Sanctions Funds Released for DLEPC's/SLEPC's:
